
By regular expression
to hate each other
Bulakh 2024:209

Cf. LS 238, CSOL I 607, CSOL II 532

to be stretched
Bulakh 2024:209
Belozerova et al. 2023:566; Morris 2021:913
LS 207; CSOL I 683; CSOL II 616
a shrub (Buxanthus pedicellatus)
Miller–Morris 2004:472–473; CSOL II 545
to be tired, wearied
LS 240; CSOL II 534; Bulakh 2024:172
to be confused, to be mad
Bulakh 2024:185
to be sweet, tasty
ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:552
well-arranged, harmonious
CSOL I 675
a sort of date-palm
Naumkin et al. 2022:275