a sort of date-palm
вид финиковой пальмы
نوع من أنواع النخيل
Naumkin et al. 2022:275
text examples

fɔ́ne έˀɛfo yeˁómer ḳayd men nóse di-témre di-ḥáẓ̂hoḷ wáľľa di-ḷebenéno wáľľa di-meṭaḳáno tóˀo ḷegdób témre zóuˁa mes ensóˀo wa-ḳóuŝaˁ tóyhen wa-ḷaṭ yeˀóugɛ be-róutɛľ ˁaf ľiṭḳéḳ wa-ḷaṭ yeˁúmor méyhen ŝáˁfor waḷaṭ yeḥúṣaḳ wa-ṭa yeˁúmor men šaˁf di-ˀaˁrhíyob óugɛ šáˁfe deš ṣíme wa-ḷaṭ ḥúṣaḳ ˁaf tákɛn ḳayd ‘In former times, people would make ropes of palm fiber, of the palm-trees belonging to the di-ḥáẓ̂hoḷ or di-ḷebenéno or di-meṭaḳáno sorts. When a palm-tree would be cut down, one would take its fiber and dry it. Then one would beat them with a stick until they become soft, then one would make threads of them, which would be woven together (into a rope). In the same way it could be made of the leaves of the dragon-blood trees81: a dry leaf would be beaten, then (the fiber) would be woven together until it would become a rope’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:275)
