Soqotri Lexicon
mátḥaš (yémtḥoš or yemtḥéšen/ľimtḥáš or ľimtéḥaš)
basic morphological information
text examples
ksek beˁér di-ṭérob id-bestán wa-te bέˀi ékobk di-ḳáne be-ŝéˁe waṭérodk toy wa-ˀégek toy be-márḳaḥ wa-móḥošk mey dómer ˁaf yedˁírir wa-ˁéʸhof di-ẓ̂áˀte énhor ˁámok ˁasέmátḥaš mey dómer wa-ˀaḷ-ˁad yegodíḥin ‘I found a camel which got into a garden and ate the dates. I entered the garden in a most aggressive mood, and drove him off, and beat him with a stick. I took him so much by surprise (lit.surprised his mind) that he fled and was absent for three days. I said: “Perhaps he went mad and does not come back anymore”’ (Bulakh 2024:185)
- móḥoš to take by surprise, to assail, to confuse