
By regular expression
LS 242; Naumkin et al. 2015a:79
LS 242; CSOL I 615; CSOL II 545

ḷe-méṭre ‘at dawn’:

ˁö́mor ˁag e-díˀyhe ˁáže tɛbíľin díˀi bíššoḷ ber ḥan nešḥáḷof ḷe-méṭre ‘And the man said to his wife: “Gather your things, we are going to leave early next morning”’ (CSOL II 25:2)

di-méṭre ‘at dawn’:

éṣbaḥk men érhon ḷe-ŝáḥar di-méṭre wa-ḷaṭ áˁṭobk ṣéˁe kor tegóhom érhon wa-ˀéḳdomk érhon tóˀo káno ŝohóme dež šerḳóḥo bɛr wa-dež yheḳáḷo wa-dež ekέbo ˁésrɛ wadež meḥíľo (or meḥayḷéḷo) di-sedáḳe wa-ˀefˁaydído érhon žerk aḷ-ˁak béḷokk ˁaf éṣrers men zéreg kor fágaḥ id-bɛr diˀáḷ dež ‘I went to gather the goats very early in the morning. I shouted to make the goats enter the pen; then I saw the goats were all dispersed. Some of them went up to an open place; some of them jumped downwards; some of them entered a grove; and some of them were at the bottom of an inaccessible rock. So the goats were scattered.I rushed at them and after a while I was able to drive them from the narrow path and make them go up to the open space, where a few other goats were already waiting’ (CSOL II 30:24)

CSOL I 615
mɛy     ماي
leisure, time free to do something
LS 242; Bulakh 2024:217
mey     مٞيْ
CSOL I 616; Naumkin et al. 2015a:80
to be thin
LS 243; Naumkin et al. 2016a:52
moz     مُوز
banana (tree)
CSOL II 545; Wehr 931; Behnstedt 1183
spring of water
Bulakh 2022:200; Bulakh 2024:197
place near a house's wall