
By regular expression
έti     آتِي
1. to tell; 2. to gather, to assemble (trans.)
LS 77; CSOL I 480; CSOL II 396
to reconcile (intrans.)
LS 77; CSOL II 396; Naumkin et al. 2013a:82
meeting, assembly
CSOL I 480; CSOL II 396; LS 77
CSOL I 480; CSOL II 396
ted     تٞاد
to wait
LS 479; CSOL I 479; CSOL II 396
tef     تٞاف
to take refuge in God
CSOL I 479
ṭaḥ     طَاح
to be exhausted; to be incapable, unable to do something
Bulakh et al. 2021:276; CSOL III
to wake up (intransitive)
LS 444; CSOL I 675; CSOL II 610; Bulakh 2024:190; Bittner 1918a:36

Related to PCS *yḳṯ̣ ‘to wake’ with t-prefixation, well compatible with the reflexive meaning of the root (Bittner 1918a:36)

skin on milk
LS 205; CSOL I 686; CSOL II 619
étom     آٞتُم
to share, to do something together with someone
LS 78; CSOL I 479; Bulakh et al. 2021:276