المعجم السقطري
what is expected from someone (a bad deed or behaviour)
CSOL I 489
CSOL I 489
maˁḳéḷoʰ ˁek ‘I did not expect from you anything else!’:
ˁö́mor ŝíbɛb ɛʰ maˁḳéḷoʰ ˁek ˁö́mor múgšem ken šéˀmonk ḥe di-máḥḷe ɛʰ dédoʰ baḷ teṣtát ‘The old man said: “I didn’t expect much else from you!” The boy said: “You’ve judged my words too hastily, uncle, without even having looked”’ (CSOL I 6:20)
1. to be suitable for preservation, to stay during a certain time without being spoiled; 2. to be put, to be possible to be put
CSOL II 406–407
CSOL II 406–407