ˁóľif (yeˁoľífin/ľiˁáḷɛf)
basic morphological information

v. (II)

1. to sprout (a tree); 2. to cut branches from a tree
пускать побеги (дерево); срезать ветви с дерева
نما؛ قطع أغصانا من شجرة
LS 311; CSOL I 490
text examples

1. ľísoʰ šin mέsɛ ˁaf kέrhɛn yeˁoľífin šérhom ‘It rained in our place, but only enough to make the trees sprout’ (CSOL I 29:12)

2. ŝiḳároʰ ˁin wa-ṭáhɛrk eḳánem íľľiho érhon wa-ˀoˁoľífin hésen šérmhin ‘There was a drought where we live, so I went to feed my goats with branches I cut off the trees’ (CSOL I 29:12)


With Leslau (LS 311), almost certainly related to Akk. elēpu ‘to send forth shoots, to florish’. An eventual relationship to ˁéľfɛʰ and its Arabic parallels is also to be surmised, cf., in particular, Yemeni Arabic ˁalaf ‘leaves of a sorghum stalk used for animal provender’.