šáˁḳeḷ (yešˁáḳoḷ/ľišáˁḳɛḷ)
basic morphological information

v. (X)

1. to be suitable for preservation, to stay during a certain time without being spoiled; 2. to be put, to be possible to be put
подходить для хранения; быть положенным, помещенным
استسهل حفظه
CSOL II 406–407
text examples

1. wa-deʰ tɛʰ di-nóufaˁ ṭaʰ yeˁúmor heʸh tɛʰ di-méḳšed wáľľa yeˁúmor héʸh méḳšed wa-yešˁáḳoḷ hek ŝέhɛr taḳríban ‘The meat which has been processed in this way is called tɛʰ di-méḳšed or méḳšed and will keep about a month’ (CSOL II 3:13)

2. wa-ḷaṭ ˁúḳaḷ ˁes ṣáḥan di-ˀeḳníyoʰ wáľľa keʰ tɛʰ wa-keʰ eḳníyoʰ di-yešˁáḳoḷ ˁes ˁúḳaḷ ˁes ‘Then one puts a plate of food on it, or meat or any other food that can be put on it (directly)’ (CSOL II 12:2)
