Soqotri Lexicon
LS 109; CSOL II 463; Bulakh 2022:200
LS 109; CSOL II 463; Bulakh 2022:200
In the expression bismiľľa wa-seľhebéten ˁan góḷe ‘I seek refuge in God from this trouble’ (CSOL II 25:8).
1. to appear, to float on the surface; 2. to watch
LS 109; Naumkin et al. 2015a:68; Kogan 2020:451
LS 109; Naumkin et al. 2015a:68; Kogan 2020:451
berry, fruit
LS 109; CSOL II 464
LS 109; CSOL II 464
LS 109; CSOL II 464
LS 109; CSOL II 464
di-geḷeménoʰ ‘guano’:
fóˀosk ṭey šouḥároʰ éˀenṭ di-geḷeménoʰ wa-ˀenṭ di-bádaḷ wa-ˀenṭ di-rétet ‘So I went to a woman to ask for some guano, and some sheep droppings, and some compost’ (CSOL II 9:23)