Soqotri Lexicon
LS 199; CSOL I 682; CSOL II 616; Naumkin et al. 2015a:89
LS 199; CSOL I 682; CSOL II 616; Naumkin et al. 2015a:89
ḷe-ṭad ṭad ‘one after another’: wa-yeˀóte díˀʸheʰ ˁífof ḷe-ṭad ṭad ‘Then he let the goat kids suckle with their mothers, one at a time’ (CSOL I 6:16)
ˁáľa ṭad ‘one after another’: tóˀo ṭáhɛr ŝíbɛb ḥéraṭ ško wa-yaˀáḷaḥ men ˁouyéghon ˁáľa ṭad ‘When the old man left, the boy drew his sword and started to call the boys one by one’ (CSOL I 28:26)
ṭeʸh di-ṭeʸh ‘one after another (fem.)’: menḥatóˀo áˁyeg men ṭeʸh di-ṭeʸh ‘And after that, they (the goats) started giving birth one after another’ (CSOL I 29:35)
ṭeʸh be-ṭeʸh ‘one after another (fem.)’: way ˁaf déḷaḳ šek nɛbórhir ṭeʸh be-ṭeʸh žederhinítin ‘Oh so many goats you have, one after another, the red ones!’ (CSOL I 8:42)
kind of tree
ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:551
ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:551