
By regular expression
CSOL I 638; Wehr 376
to be added; to become numerous
Bulakh 2024:212

Cf. LS 394

to cut, to dismember
cut of meat
LS 408; CSOL I 638
to cut, to dismember
Bulakh 2024:216
to stop giving milk (a teat of a goat or a cow)
Bulakh 2024:177
to wash oneself
LS 398; Naumkin et al. 2016b:68, with fn. 17; Bulakh 2024:178
to mount one upon another
LS 400; Bulakh 2024:178
1. to be hurt (said of a body part, usually a finger); 2. to hurt oneself, to get one’s body part (usually a finger) hurt’
Bulakh 2024:154
1. to kick; 2. to stomp repeatedly, to hit the ground with one’s feet repeatedly
Bulakh 2024:179; CSOL III -