
By regular expression
to clean, to pick up and remove pieces of dirt, to set apart, to separate
hole, pit
LS 257; CSOL I 621
to be wounded
Bulakh 2024:168, 180
negís     نٞجِس
impure, unclean, defiled
LS 256; CSOL I 621
délivrer (to deliver, to set free)
LS 256

An Arabism
1. to burn (transitive); 2. to burn (intransitive); 3. to be hot, warm
LS 264; CSOL I 624; CSOL II 551; Naumkin et al. 2016a:48; Bulakh 2024:170

di-yenáḥa ‘warm’ (2a)

to oppress, to behave unjustly
LS 259; CSOL II 549

‘To treat somebody (object pronoun) unjustly in something (be-)’ (a) 

to inhale air into one’s throat as a sign of joy, amazement or fear
CSOL II 549; Morris 2022:311
LS 260; Naumkin et al. 2015a:80
to transgress, to make a fault
LS 261; CSOL I 622; CSOL II 549