
By regular expression
beloved woman
lap, bosom
LS 319
not in a good state
Behnstedt 115, 1349; CSOL I 512
LS 86
wet, moist
Wehr 71; Behnstedt 104; CSOL II 432

Borrowed from Arabic.

child, boy
LS 95; CSOL I 516; CSOL II 437
the place the a camel lies
Bulakh 2024:208
to be tired of somebody, to be willing to get rid of somebody
LS 238; CSOL I 607; CSOL II 532
south wind
LS 238; CSOL II 532

be-di-mhedéten ‘a certain period in summer’ (Naumkin et al. 2019b:85)

be-di-médeʰ ‘in the countryside’ (Naumkin et al. 2013a:74)

med     مٞاد
to pull, to stretch
LS 238; CSOL II 532; Naumkin et al. 2016a:55