
By regular expression
CSOL I 582
to suffer, to be tortured
CSOL III; Bulakh 2024:121
ktob     كتُاب
to write
LS 226; CSOL I 582; CSOL II 505

Likely borrowed from Arabic, cf. ktb 1 for more transparent Arabisms from the same root. 

CSOL II 505; Wehr 813; Behnstedt 1054

Borrowed from Arabic.

written document
CSOL I 582

Borrowed from Arabic.

Naumkin et al. 2022:274
ktof     كتُاف
to bind
LS 226; CSOL I 582; CSOL II 505
in émme … keṭáḥ ‘either … or’
LS 216; CSOL II 505
to cover
LS 226; CSOL I 582
to move to and fro
CSOL III; Bulakh 2024:214