
By regular expression
1. to entrust; 2. to agree
CSOL I 564; Naumkin et al. 2013a:75

Is seldom used in the modern language, according to our informants, who are unsure as to its exact meaning.

LS 186; CSOL I 564; CSOL II 485
large centipede (Scolopendra valida)
CSOL I 565; ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:551; Wranik 2003:254, 515

di-ḥaṣáhon ‘large centipede (Scolopendra valida)’: dómik díˀʸho be-ḳáˁar ḷe-ḫáľfeʰ wa-gedóḥoʰ di-ḥaṣáhon ḷe-ḫáľfeʰ wa-ˀébdodk tóˀo tóˁod ḷe-ṭádaˁ díˀʸho di-ḳamíṣ ‘While I was sleeping in my house near the window, a centipede came through the window and I felt it creep along my shirt’ (CSOL I 18:42)

LS 185
LS 185; CSOL I 565; CSOL II 484
spinning, twisting
1. to spin; 2. to come back, to return
LS 187; CSOL I 564; CSOL II 485

v. n. ḥíṣiḳ/ḥéṣiḳ ‘spinning, twisting’: wa-ṭad ŝáˁfɛr ˁáŝer éḳḥa wa-dɛg ṭa wa-ḷaṭ neḥaṣáḳʸhi ḷe-ṭahedédši wa-ḷaḷ yetetóˀo be-ḥéṣiḳ yóuṣaḷ déʸhi wa-ṭánˀeʰ ˁaf ľákɛn ḳayd ‘One plait would contain ten threads, and another one less than that. Then we plait them together. When their plaiting is finished, we add further threads to them until it becomes a rope’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:276)

pass. ḥíṣaḳ (yeḥóuṣaḳ/ľiḥṣóḳ)

ḥéṣaḳ men gedíd ‘to start anew’: ḳáre ˁag sóraʰ tóˀo éraḥ mes faḳḥ ˁéḷaṭ wa-ḥéṣaḳ men gedíd ‘A man was reading aloud a sura from the Koran. When he got to the middle, he made a mistake and turned back to the beginning’ (CSOL II 24:12)

to cut meat into small pieces
LS 186; CSOL I 564; CSOL II 485
a small piece of meat
LS 186; CSOL I 564; CSOL II 485
Naumkin et al. 2015b:51