
By regular expression
stupid (pl.)
Naumkin et al. 2022:264
1. to leave, let go; 2. to send, to put
LS 87; CSOL I 514; CSOL II 432

béḷog nhɔfš or béḷog e-nhɔfš ‘to rush’: 

ṭáhɛr kánaḥ díˀʸheʰ di-ḥfor béḷog nhɔfš díˀʸheʰ di-bekéľeʰ ‘Back he went to the lair and rushed in to the snake’ (CSOL I 25:51); ḷaḷ tegodíḥin di-ri di-ṭíyoʰ tebóḷeg e-nhɔfk ḷe-méḳṣeʰ ‘When you reach the top, hurl yourself down’ (CSOL I 25:13)

béḷog ŝérmoʰ ‘to act vehemently’: 

béḷokk ŝérmoʰ be-šímiẓ̂ ˁaf yeʸhámaˁ ˁag men ḳáˁar diyáḥŝes edékeʰ di-gézhɛr tóˀo yóudok ‘I did my shaking (of the butter-skin) hard, so that a man from another house could hear the sound of the shaking’ (CSOL II 25:8)

LS 88

-ḥ- < -*ˁ-

Bulakh 2024:159
for free
to eat a bit
LS 88; CSOL I 515; Naumkin et al. 2015a:64
Bulakh 2024:108
tiled floor
Bulakh 2024:182
LS 86; CSOL I 514; CSOL II 431; Naumkin et al. 2015a:64
misfortune, distress
Behnstedt 110; CSOL I 515

Borrowed from Arabic.