
By regular expression
kind of tree (Sterculia africana)
CSOL II 439; Miller–Morris 2004:694-695
fumer, parfumer
LS 84

< Arb. bḫr “to send up its fume, vapor, steam (the cooking pot)” (Lane 158)

LS 84; CSOL I 512
CSOL I 512; Bulakh et al. 2021:281
LS 86; CSOL I 512; CSOL II 430; Naumkin et al. 2015a:64
to be lame, unable to walk
to give birth for the first time (a goat)
CSOL I 513
a grown up female goat (three years or more)
LS 86; CSOL I 513; CSOL II 431

gézhɛr di-bέker ‘skin vessel made of a skin of a grown-up goat’:

naˁámer ḥéyhe káľľama ḥéḷob ŝḥaf di-déḷaḳ wa-ʸhömaẓ̂ be-gézhɛr di-bέker naˁámer fuľán ébker ‘If a person milked a lot of milk and shook it in a skin vessel made of a skin of a grown-up goat, we say: ébker’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:245)

for the first time
LS 86; CSOL II 431

Only in the phrase men bέker ‘for the first time’ (in the speech of the informants, normally used about marriage or birth): baˁáḷoʰ men bɛ́ker ‘She married for the first time’ or bíroʰ men bɛ́ker ‘She gave birth for the first time’ (CSOL II 6:17)

to get ready (about sun-dried dates)
Bulakh et al. 2021:245