المعجم السقطري
CSOL I 678; CSOL II 612; Bulakh 2024:113
CSOL I 678; CSOL II 612; Bulakh 2024:113
men tri ‘in pairs’:
tóˀo ḷóte eˀḷhíten gotémeḥ wa-sotébe men triʰ ‘When the cows met, they started to gore each other and were moving here and there in pairs’ (Bulakh 2024:113–114)
wetness, wet spot, liquid
LS 441, 446; CSOL I 679; Naumkin et al. 2015a:89; Bulakh 2024:112
LS 441, 446; CSOL I 679; Naumkin et al. 2015a:89; Bulakh 2024:112