
By regular expression
LS 219; CSOL I 577
to turn (transitive or intransitive); to reply, answer, to say something in one’s turn
LS 218; CSOL I 577; CSOL II 499

kóḷe nhɔfš ‘to hesitate’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:278)

‘To bring/send somebody/something back (direct object/object pronoun)’: 1:33.36.154, 20:3, 24:12b; ‘to turn something (direct object) somewhere (di-)’: 12:13; ‘to bring somebody/something (object pronoun) back to somewhere (di-)’: 1:32; ‘to take, to bring something (object pronoun/reflexive pronoun/unexpressed) somewhere (di-)’: 1:129, 7:34, 28:50; ‘to bring something (object pronoun) somewhere (diʔáḷ): 5:16; ‘to bring something (direct object) upon something/somebody (ḷ3-)’: 2:6; ‘to bring somebody (direct object) back to somebody (ḷe-)’: 1:156; ‘to give something (unexpressed) back to somebody (e-)’: 22:7.

‘To stop someone, to prevent someone (direct object) from doing something’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:279)

‘To answer (somebody, be-)’: 10:11, 15:39, 17:14, 24:6, 25:8.

To introduce verbal nouns (‘to give a push’, ‘to emit a sound,’ etc.): 2:8, 29:23.

kóḷe éˀed ḷe- ‘to raise one’s hand against’: 25:8bis

kóḷe soˀhónten be- ‘to contradict somebody’: 13:33

CSOL I 577; CSOL II 506; Naumkin et al. 2016b:76
kem     كٞام
to sweat
Naumkin et al. 2016b:76; Simeone-Senelle–Lonnet 1991:1461
remains of the dry leaves on a palm trunk
CSOL I 577
CSOL I 578; CSOL II 500

Borrowed from Arabic.

LS 220; CSOL I 578; Wehr 840; Behnstedt 1085

Borrowed from Arabic.

it came to an end
LS 220; CSOL I 578

Borrowed from Arabic.

LS 220; CSOL I 578; Wehr 840; Behnstedt 1085

Borrowed from Arabic.

he finished
LS 220; CSOL I 578

Borrowed from Arabic.