Soqotri Lexicon
1. to throw a piece of cloth in the face of a fugitive goat which would be scared and lend itself to be caught; 2. to throw
CSOL I 576; CSOL II 500; Naumkin et al. 2016b:74-75; Bulakh et al. 2021:285
CSOL I 576; CSOL II 500; Naumkin et al. 2016b:74-75; Bulakh et al. 2021:285
each, every
CSOL I 576; CSOL II 498; Naumkin et al. 2015a:73; Wehr 835; Behnstedt 1080
CSOL I 576; CSOL II 498; Naumkin et al. 2015a:73; Wehr 835; Behnstedt 1080
kúľľeʰ šay ‘everything’:
wa-zígɛd di-ḳáˁar kúľľeʰ šay ‘And everything was brought to the house’ (CSOL II 1:99)
kúľľeʰ yom ‘every day’:
wa-seʰ kúľľeʰ yom tö́boš ‘And she wept every day’ (CSOL II 1:135)
kúľľe šɔm ‘every day’:
wa-kúľľe šɔm yaˁárom kɛn ŝḥaf di-ˀéľľehe ‘The milk of the cow changed color every day’ (CSOL II 7:33)
kúľľeʰ ṭad ‘each one’: ṭahέrki ho wa-ṭad wa-šíki kúľľeʰ ṭad ḥumár ‘I set off together with another man, and each of us had a donkey’ (CSOL II 5:16)
kúľľeʰ sέneʰ ‘every year’: díˀʸho bíyyoʰ taˁámer kúľľeʰ sέneʰ zeríbeʰ be-ḳáˁar ‘Every year my mother makes a fence of palm-ribs at our place’ (CSOL II 5:20)
kúľľema ‘whenever’:
kúľľema di-gédaḥ ri wa-zéḷaḳ ‘Whenever somebody came, he drank and took away water’ (CSOL I 7:21)
this world
Kogan 2020:No.13
Kogan 2020:No.13