
By regular expression
LS 104; CSOL I 576
kaḷ     كَاڸ
each, every
LS 219; CSOL II 498
kɔḷ     كآڸ
to know how, to be able to
LS 214; CSOL I 576; CSOL II 505
kaḷ     كَاڸ
if not, unless, except
LS 211; CSOL I 572; CSOL II 494; CSOL III; Naumkin et al. 2019b:75
heifer of intermediate age

The word is grammatically masculine in spite of designating a female animal.

a tree whose branches are used to brush the teeth (Euclea divinorum)
CSOL II 499; Miller–Morris 2004:540; Bulakh 2022:210
LS 219; CSOL II 499
kaḷb     كَڸْب
dog, wolf
LS 218; CSOL II 499
to rail, to scold, to revile
LS 218; CSOL II 500
female dog
LS 218; CSOL I 576

Borrowed from Arabic.