
By regular expression
to protrude; to show up, to appear
CSOL I 575
to make appear
CSOL I 575
to cut down a palm tree in order to feed one’s livestock with the core
Naumkin et al. 2016b:75
edible core of a palm tree (famine food)
Naumkin et al. 2022:259
(rubbish) heap
LS 214; CSOL II 497
kfe     كفٞى
to be enough
LS 223; CSOL I 575; CSOL II 498
LS 223; CSOL I 575; CSOL II 497
side, proximity
Kogan 2015:429

In the expression ˀid kaf id máˁbher ‘gegen Felsen hin’ (Müller 1905:280), curiously reminiscent of Akk. kāpu ša šadî. According to Soqotrian informants, kɛf means ‘side, proximity’.

kef     كٞاف
to hide (oneself); to hide (something)
kɛf     كَاف
a secluded place at the bottom of something