Soqotri Lexicon
a name of a counting out game
Bulakh et al. 2021:255
Bulakh et al. 2021:255
Its full text is as follows: ḥadelligö́m — madelligö́m — sabaˁľakúm wa-teľtekúm — ˁafátema — waténnebi — walmés — waľˀánbar kúľľa ˁála háḏa ṣḥey. The general meaning and most of the words are unknown to our informants.
to work
LS 165; CSOL I 553; CSOL II 473; CSOL III
LS 165; CSOL I 553; CSOL II 473; CSOL III
ḥédom ḷe-nhɔfš ‘to work for himself’:
sfor yeḥódem ḷe-nhɔfš ‘He went abroad to work for himself.’ (CSOL II 6:17)
to put prickly branches on the top of a stone wall to make it impenetrable for livestock
CSOL I 553
CSOL I 553
to be afraid
CSOL I 553
CSOL I 553