
By regular expression
CSOL I 559; CSOL II 479; Naumkin et al. 2015a:71; CSOL III
Belozerova et al. 2023:567
donkey mare
LS 181; CSOL II 479; Wranik 2003:148; CSOL III
sister-in-law (brother’s wife or wife’s sister)
LS 178; CSOL I 559
five (with feminine nouns counted)
LS 182; CSOL II 479; ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:539; Naumkin et al. 2022:276
1. to make a sign; 2. to conspire, to make a secret agreement
LS 179; CSOL I 559; CSOL II 480
to be sour, to have souring agent (about milk)
LS 181; CSOL II 480
something sour; souring agent in the butter production
LS 181; CSOL II 480
1. to put souring agent into milk; 2. to mount, to impregnate (goats)
LS 181; CSOL II 480