
By regular expression
lower neck
LS 325; CSOL I 496; CSOL II 414
to plug (a hole)
Bulakh 2024:120
fence, wall
LS 326; CSOL I 496; CSOL II 414
LS 326; CSOL II 414; Simeone-Senelle–Lonnet 1991:1452

In di-ˁarédɛb (‘that of the neck’):

férhim di-sáṭahan be-ˀerbéboʰ múgšem di-sáṭahan be-di-ˁarédɛb ‘The sultan’s daughter is on my thigh! The sultan’s son is on my neck!’ (CSOL II 28:54)

to scoop
LS 328; CSOL I 496; ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:552-553; Naumkin et al. 2016b:60
(the feast of) Arafa
LS 328; Bulakh et al. 2021:243; CSOL III
a greenish fly feeding on meat and dead bodies
CSOL III; Wranik 2003:512
again, anew
CSOL I 497

In men di-ˁérher:

ˁemɛ́roʰ ˁážeʰ fŝo ... ekɛ́bo óˀoz wa-ḳaˁáfoʰ díˀseʰ írhɛz wa-díˀseʰ maráḳ ... wa-ˁemɛ́roʰ fŝo men di-ˁérher ‘A woman had prepared lunch... A goat came and knocked over the rice and broth... And she (the woman) made lunch again’ (CSOL I 22:63)

(a tree)
LS 325