Сокотрийский словарь
mebˁéḷoʰ (du. mebˁeḷóti, pl. mebáˀḥiľ)
текстовые примеры
ḥtérḳoʰ mebˁéḷoʰ e-férhim di-baˁáḷoʰ sáṭahan ‘A female slave got angry with the girl who had married the sultan’ (CSOL II 28:38)
морфологические примечания
Formally a passive participle (sg. f.; the masculine form is mébˀḥeľ).
- báˁaḷ to marry (a man or a woman)
- báḥľe in di-báḥľe the owner, one who has
- mébˀḥeľ male slave
- baˁ- master, owner
- ébˁeḷ to marry off one’s daughter
- (3 pl. m.) botéˁeḷ to be married to one another
- šébˁeḷ to recognize something as one’s own