báˁaḷ (yebóˁoḷ/ľibˁóḷ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (I)

to marry (a man or a woman)
жениться, выходить замуж
LS 91; CSOL I 509; CSOL II 426
الأمثلة النصية

a. ḷeṭ díˀseʰ bέbɛʰ báˁaḷ ˁážeʰ diyáḥŝes ‘Then her father married another woman’ (CSOL II 6:2)

b. ɛkíľoʰ ˁážeʰ kor tebóˁoḷ ‘A woman asked somebody to be her representative in the signing of the marriage contract’ (Naumkin et al. 2019b:74)

c. ˁö́mor sáṭahan díˀʸho férhim tebóˁoḷ wa-náˁaʰ seʰ tenoḳíľin di-ˁegɛ́boʰ heʸh méken wa-náˁaʰ tóuter id-bo wa-díˀʸho férhim teḳáḷaˁ ṭad méken wa-di-ˀetóˀotš óˀoben méken ŝᵉľɛʰ marrát yebóˁoḷs ‘The sultan said: “My daughter is about to get married. Now she will choose from among you one she likes. Come closer to us, and my daughter will throw pebbles at one of you. Whomever the pebbles hit thrice shall marry her”’ (CSOL I 19:18)

d. tóˀo aˁdédoʰ šḥᵃme bes ṭad men gar ˁö́mor ho ˁéyyek férhim di-sáṭahan kor ebóˁoḷs ‘When her waiting time was over, a man from the neighborhood asked for her. He said: “I want to marry the sultan’s daughter”’ (CSOL II 1:136)

الملاحظات الصرفية

pass. (3 sg. f.) biˁíľoʰ (búˁoḷ/ḷebˁóḷ) ‘to be taken as wife’.

االشتياق اللغوي
PS *baˁl- lord
اللفات العربية الجنوبية القارية للحديثة