ézˁem (yezóˁom/ľáˁzam)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (IV)

1. to sit down; 2. to dwell, to stay
сидеть; останавливаться
LS 155; CSOL I 696; CSOL II 629; Naumkin et al. 2015a:92
الأمثلة النصية


a. wa-seʰ ezˁémoʰ boḳ be-tέbhor ‘And she sat down here, by the walľ (CSOL I 26:109)

b. égaḥk be-ŝébeʰ di-siyáraʰ men ḥérhen wa-ˀal-ˀézˁomk súwa ken ˁeghéten di-zö́fon ‘I climbed to the back part of the car but I could not sit well because of the women who squeezed to each other’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:281)


a. der ḥánˀeʰ wa-ˀézˁem díˀʸheʰ ke-ˁážeʰ wa-te díˀʸheʰ men mɛľ wa-ḳoténe díˀʸheʰ men mɛľ ‘He continued on, staying with his wife and living off his wealth, enjoying his wealth’ (CSOL I 25:75)

b. fézaˁ ˁouyέghɛn wa-ṭáľiḳ díˀʸheʰ ˁážeʰ wa-ṭáhɛr wa-ˀezˁémoʰ ḥánˀeʰ ‘The boy was scared and divorced his wife. Then he left and she remained there’ (CSOL II 1:149)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

‘To land, to be placed (inanimate subject)’:

ftḥšoʰ mes ŝfeʰ wa-ˀezˁémoʰ be-ˁíṣ̌eʰ ‘One hair fell from her head and landed in the pond’ (CSOL II 28:24)

‘To last, to stay, to be kept’:

wáľľa kašḥ di-ḳáŝˁer ... wa-ľikán aḷ-yezóˁom sáˁte tóˀo meŝíyo meṭéboʰ ‘Or, (one can also take) a part of a used milk-skin..., but it will not hold as long as a tanned bucket’ (CSOL II 9:23)

‘To leave somebody (ˁan) alone’:

ṭad múgšem be-medrásaʰ yeḥoríḳin tho dέhɛr aḷ-yezóˁom ˁan embóryeʰ wa-ˀaḷ-yekóteb díˀʸheʰ durús ‘One boy at school always irritates me: he does not let the other children sit down calmly and does not write down the lessons’ (CSOL II 1:154)

االشتياق اللغوي

Etymologically uncertain. Johnstone (JL 314) tentatively compares Jib. zˁĩt ‘bungalow, kind of ship’, borrowed from Yemeni Arabic zaˁīma ‘a general term for a sailing boat in Hadhramaut and Yemen’, but the underlying semantic relationship is far from clear.