záˁthɛr (du. zaˁtέri, pl. záˁthor, f. záˁther, du. zaˁtíri, pl. zoˁóthir)
basic morphological information


with black curly hair
черноволосый и курчавый
صاحب الشعر الأسود المجعّد
Naumkin–Kogan 2021 :532
text examples

a. ḥéḳab mek ri ḥáher záˁthɛr di-ˀenkrέbiľ ‘Your black head, with curly black and dense hair, is too good for you.’ (Naumkin - Kogan 2021:532)

b. fɔ́ne ker ˁérhon yéḳon ˁag nhɔfš ri ˁaf ľikέn záˁthɛr wa-ḥer aḷ-yeḥámoḷ keʰ ˁéḳar éˀenṭ ‘In the old times, a man would let his hair grow till he becomes curly-haired, but now he does not bear it if it grows even a little.’ (field notes)


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