šemáṭe (yešmaṭíyin/ľišmáṭa)
basic morphological information

v. (XII)

to reach and seize
поймать, схватить
CSOL I 616; Bulakh et al. 2021:243, 262
text examples

a. kɔn šin fígir di-médkor di-tímhɛr wa-kɔn šin ríḥis di-ˀeṣbére wa-bíŝi di-ˁérob mɔn ṭa ḷišgíˀin ˁémer ˀέˀɛfo yɛ neḥóger wa-yɛ naˁámer ˁezíme ˁasέ tšemaṭíˀinš wa-tedáraˁš ber ˁegében naˁrέbš wa-nádraˁš ˀáˁzem ˁéyyug wa-ˀal ˀedróˁotš ‘There was a (secret) cutting off of the male palminflorescences in our place, and someone (secretly) plucked tamarind fruits. Nobody knew who could have done it. The people said: “Either we shall guard (the garden in order to catch the thief), or we shall make a trial on the Qoran. Perhaps it will entrap him, because we want to know him and to entrap him”. And the people made a trial on the Qoran, but it did not reveal him’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:243)

b. ˀeḳáren ḥágher ḳáˁar dére wa-ˁamḳ di-ḥte féro bin šébe men ḥöbhor wa-tóˀo ŝíni ˁag ḥebéren gédaḥ wa-ˀéṣḳaˁ hin ŝiyáṭ ˁaf néšyeb wa-ho ksówek dómik dέfɛ di-míŝkaľ wa-tóˀo ṭáhɛr ˁag šedféro ŝiyáṭ wa-šemaṭíyo ḥe díˀyho šɛľ wa-néḥe bey be-ṭraf tóˀo ˀébdodk ŝiyáṭ ˁeŝk ˁámok mɔn di-ṣáḳaˁ ŝiyáṭ gédaḥ ˁag de ṣáḥeb ḳáˁar wa-ˁámor ho diˀéṣḳaˁk héken fɔ́ne ŝiyáṭ ˁan ḥöbhor ‘In the evening we entered a house in Hagher, belonging to people we did not know, and in the middle of the night we trembled.56 When the owner of the house saw that we were cold, he came and lit fire to make us warm. And it turned out that I fell asleep near the hearth, and when the man went away, the fire broke out and caught my shawl and burnt its hem. When I felt the fire I jumped up and said: “Who has lit the fire?” The owner of the house came and said: “I made fire for you some time before to protect you from cold”’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:262)

other notes

‘To catch somebody or something (ḷe-)’:

ḥiróˀo tšemáṭɛ ˁey férod aḷ-ˁédo miṭóˀotš kɔn tóˀo raḥ ˁaf yeˀókeb díˀyhe di-ḳáˁar ‘The snake tried to catch him, but he fled and it could not catch him: he was swift as wind! Thus he came to his home’ (CSOL I 24:28)
