ˁayg (yaˁáygin/ľáˁa(y)g)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (II)

to help an animal to give birth
помогать животному рожать
ساعد انثى الحيوان على الولادة
Naumkin et al. 2019b:89
текстовые примеры

ˁag ˁayg óˀoz di-ˀaḷ-ˀerḳóḥoʰ ˁífef ‘A man helped a goat who could not deliver ِits kid’ (Naumkin et al. 2019b:89)

морфологические примечания

The verb is characterized by the presence of y in the perfect and imperfect (except for the 2 and 3 pl.m. forms) and by its (optional) loss in the jussive. The jussive paradigm of ˁayg, with the stress on the prefix, is, in all probability, borrowed from the conjugation of stem IV (cf. ˁíggoʰ). The verb ˁayg is also characterized by an idiosyncratic strategy of the omission of the prefix te-, which affects the consonant t- only. Note that the source verb ˁíggoʰ ‘to give birth (animal)’, belonging to the IV stem, shows the same idiosyncrasy (Naumkin et al. 2019a:70, with fn. 13).


Proto-MSA *γyg to give birth (animals)
континентальные СЮЯ
  • Mhr. həγyōg to bear young (goats and sheep)
  • Jib. aγyég to bear young (goats and sheep)