áˁḷе (yеˁóľi/ľáˁiľ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (IV)

1. to raise the prestige; 2. to love
LS 309-310; CSOL II 409
الأمثلة النصية

1. ya ya mɔn ḥaʰ di-ktob ˁaf šénfaˁ ľáraḥk áḷḷaʰ díyyeʰ ber áˁḷayk hin díˀḥan mέtaḷ ‘Oh! Who has written that? That is perfect! Thank you so much, for you have so enhanced (the prestige of) our language’ (CSOL II 1:127)

2. áˁḷɛyk díˀʸho férhem ˁan díˀʸho múgšem ‘I love my daughter better than my son’ (field notes)

االشتياق اللغوي
PS *ˁly/*ˁlw to go up