a. míˀšer máˁľhɛ ‘One’s favorite he-goat’ (CSOL II 8:7)
b. še ẓ̂áˀte serédhon mέḷḥo ... gedóḥoʰ siyáraʰ béne ba-ḥteʰ wa-rekέtoʰ ṭad méʸhen deʰ di-máˁľhɛ še ‘I had three older goat-kids living in the village.... A car passed by very fast and crushed one of them, the one I liked the most’ (CSOL II 24:12b)
c. wa-megɔ́še aḷ-yeṣóḷeb kaḷ óˀoz máˁḷeʰ ‘And the boys used to pick up for slaughtering a goat adored (by the old man)’ (CSOL II 8:7)
d. wa-díˀʸho bíyoʰ máˁaḷhe ses díˀseʰ férhim ˁanníˀho ‘As for my mother, her daughter is loved more by her than I am’ (CSOL I 10:2)
e. ṭeʸh bédoʰ šin mihdédoʰ aḷ-yeˀokébes eˀḷhíten kaḷ keʰ ḳeˁö́we héʸhen tɛr wa-bédoʰ šin diyáḥŝes máˁḷeʰ di-ˀaḷ-ˀóuṭaf ḷe-ˀeˀḷhíten wa-ˀaḷ-ˀóuṭaf ḷe-tέten ‘There is one pass between two steep slopes in our place, which is barred: cows cannot enter it unless one opens for them the way; and there is still another pass, better than the former, which is not given at all either to cows or to sheep’ (Naumkin et al. 2015b:45)
‘Preferable, of a better quality’: e.
‘Loved by (ke-) someone’: b, d.
‘More loved than (ˁan) someone else’: d.
deʰ di-máˁľhɛ ‘favorite, most beloved’: b.