mеˁáľľеm or maˁáľľam or mеˁáľľam
basic morphological information

n. (m.)

1. learned man, imam; 2. professional builder
1. ученый человек, имам; 2. профессиональный строитель
LS 311; CSOL I 491; CSOL II 408; CSOL III; Naumkin et al. 2013b:555
text examples

1. ˁímɛr yɔʰ menḳáynaˁ yɔʰ teṣaľíˀin ḷe-genézeʰ ˁag metaˁáľľem ˁag meˁáľľem wa-di-ˁérob teṣaľíˀin ḷe-genézeʰ ‘They said: “Are you mad? Go and pray at the burial!” (For he was an educated man, an imam, well read.) “Go and pray at the burial!”’ (CSOL I 25:81)


a. gédaḥ maˁáľľam wa-béne énhi ḳáˁar tóˀo éraḥ mes faḳḥ ṭáhɛr wa-ˀaḷ-ˁad tómiˁ ľibnέ ‘A builder came and started to build a house for me. When he was halfway through, he left and and refused to continue’ (CSOL I 6:45)

b. béne ˁag ˁarέbeʰ di-ḳáˁar di-men ṭeʸh tóˀo eróḥoʰ mesáwa ṭérob meˁáľľem wa-ṭáhɛrk ˁágˁokk be-ˁarέbeʰ wa-meˁáľľem yéṣtet ‘A man (a builder) was building the wall of a house in the “one-atop-another” style. When the wall reached the ceiling, the builder descended and I (the homeowner) went to push and pull at the wall (to test it) while the builder was watching’ (CSOL III 13:2)


Borrowed from Arabic (Wehr 745; Behnstedt 860; BH 596)