Soqotri Lexicon
taˁľím (pl. taˁľimát)
basic morphological information
n. (m.)
инструкция, объяснение
CSOL I 491; Bulakh et al. 2021:265; Wehr 636; Behnstedt 860; BH 595
инструкция, объяснение
text examples
a. wa-seʰ bíro ṭahɛ́ro diˀáḷ ṭad wustád ḷe-ḥaʰ kor yeḥáṭor ˁag wa-zéˁe kẽyʰ taˁľimát kor teˁóḷebš ‘She had gone to a wise man earlier in order to learn how to put the man to sleep, and she received instructions on how to castrate him.’ (CSOL I 1:11)
b. wa-tóˀo atéḳṭik le-ˁóŝi betk ber állaʰ ḥalem tho kor ezáˁa waẓ̂ífeʰ di-tarbíyyeʰ wa-taˁlím wa-záˁayk tos wa-ḳálaˁk be-déžen ‘When I woke up in the morning I understood that God had sent me a dream to make me take the position of the teacher and instructor. And I took it and rejected the other one.’ (Bulakh et al. 2021 265)
- mеˁáľľеm or maˁáľľam or mеˁáľľam 1. learned man, imam; 2. professional builder
- meˁálimaʰ musicians and reciters of poetry accompanied by drum beating (awáwa) who are invited to feasts
- mеtaˁáľľеm learned man
- ˁáľľamat she instructed
- еtˁáľľam I will learn
- áḷḷaʰ áˁľam God knows better
- ˁaľámeʰ sign
- ˁaľamát marks, grades
- ˁaľm mark
- ˁiľm knowledge
- meˁáľľem teacher