Сокотрийский словарь
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
ˁímɛr yɔʰ menḳáynaˁ yɔʰ teṣaľíˀin ḷe-genézeʰ ˁag metaˁáľľem ˁag meˁáľľem wa-di-ˁérob teṣaľíˀin ḷe-genézeʰ ‘They said: “Are you mad? Go and pray at the burial!” (For he was an educated man, an imam, well read.) “Go and pray at the burial!”’ (CSOL I 25:81)
прочие примечания
Borrowed from Arabic.
- mеˁáľľеm or maˁáľľam or mеˁáľľam 1. learned man, imam; 2. professional builder
- meˁálimaʰ musicians and reciters of poetry accompanied by drum beating (awáwa) who are invited to feasts
- taˁľím instruction
- ˁáľľamat she instructed
- еtˁáľľam I will learn
- áḷḷaʰ áˁľam God knows better
- ˁaľámeʰ sign
- ˁaľamát marks, grades
- ˁaľm mark
- ˁiľm knowledge
- meˁáľľem teacher