raḥ (yaˀáraḥ/ľáraḥ)
basic morphological information

v. (IV)

to bring
أحضر، أوصل
LS 74; CSOL I 476; CSOL II 392–393; Naumkin et al. 2015a:58
text examples

raḥ heʸh fŝo wa-ˁö́ḳaḷ tóˀo di-fɔ́ne wa-ṭáhɛr ‘He fetched him lunch and left it as before and went away’ (CSOL I 22:7)

morphological notes

pass. rʸaḥ (yóuraḥ/ľiróḥ)

semantic notes

‘To bring something (direct object) to someone (e-)’: a.


other notes

ľáraḥk áḷḷaʰ díyyeʰ ‘May God bring his good upon you!’ (broadly equivalent to ‘thank you!’)

  • éraḥ 1. to come, to reach; 2. to be able