Сокотрийский словарь
sákaˁ (yesákaˁ/ľiskáˁ)
базовые морфологические сведения
v. (Ia)
to cross a wadi
пересекать вади
عبر الوادي
LS 285; CSOL I 643; CSOL II 574; Naumkin–Kogan 2021 :524
пересекать вади
عبر الوادي
текстовые примеры
a. ľísoʰ šin mɛ́sɛ ˁaf yeḳéˁed egḥáyoʰ wa-ho ʸhedk ˁífef sɛr gáḥi men ṭoḳ wa-ˁéyyek ḷeskáˁ idéʸh wa-rího déḷaḳ wa-ˀébhodk ˁaf ḷe-ˁóŝi wa-ḷe-ˁóŝi be-ḳúwwaʰ bɛ́giˁk ˁaf esákaˁ ‘It was raining where we live and the wadies were coursing down full of water. I had left one of my goat kids there, on the other side of the wadi, in an enclosure. I wanted to cross the wadi to get to it, but there was too much water. So I waited till morning and then tried as hard I could until I finally crossed the wadi’ (CSOL I 16:12)
b. ḳóˁod gáḥi waḷ-géser έˀɛfo ľiskéˁ di-mésged kor yeṣaľéˀen ǧúmˁaʰ ‘The water in the wadi came down, and the people could not cross the wadi to go to the mosque to pray on Friday’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:267)