basic morphological information

n. (f.)

text examples

a. éˀefo be-saḳɔ́ṭri yeróḳeḥ sᵉkɛʰ tóˀo ˁö́mor héʸhen díˀʸhen ḳanínhin ifúḷ yeróḳeḥ men óˀoz keʰ eróḥo tóˀo ľaˁmέr áḷḷaʰ róuḳaḥ mes wa-ṭaʰ éľľehe wa-tέˀɛʰ wa-gemáľ wa-deráhem wa-dehéb wa-mɛľ fáḥre ‘The people of Soqotra give up the alms tax (yeróḳeḥ sᵉkɛʰ) in accordance with what their Lord prescribed: from among their goats, when of a certain number, such and such quantity must be yielded, in agreement with what God has said. The same is done with cows, sheep, camels, money, gold, and every other belonging’ (CSOL II 15:15)

b. gédaḥk wa-ksek dέnˁaʰ ouyhέḷhɛn érḳaḥk toʸh sᵉkɛʰ ˁan díˀyho mɛľ wa-ˁan biˀḥóľiš kor yezέgodš dómer boḳ maḷ yóˁod ‘When I came and discovered these things, I cursed it because of my (ruined) property and for the sake of its own owners: may a stream carry it away wherever it may be!’ (CSOL II 15:15)

morphological notes

Our informants perceive this expression as a direct offshoot of theIslamic concept of zakā(t-) ‘alms tax’ and consider the very word sᵉkɛʰ to be a local deformation of zakā (CSOL II:225)


Borrowed from Arabic (Wehr 441, Behnstedt 504)