šŝfaˁ (yešŝáfaˁ/ľišέŝfaˁ)
basic morphological information

v. (X)

to sacrifice imploring for life, good health or recovery
приносить жертву, прося о жизни, здоровье или выздоровлении
ذبح حيواناً لله طلباً للشفاء
CSOL I 664; CSOL II 597; CSOL III 223
text examples

a. šŝfaˁ heʸh díˀʸheʰ bέbɛʰ šŝfaˁ heʸh be-ˀóˀoz ‘His father implored God for his health with a goat’ (CSOL II 29:19)

semantic notes

‘To sacrifice an animal (be-) imploring for someone’s (e-) life, good health or recovery’ (a)

other notes

v. n. šŝfóˁoʰ ‘sacrifice through which one implores for life, good health or recovery’: 

wa-šŝfóˁoʰ wa-teréroʰ sánaʰ kámiľaʰ ‘During a whole year, sacrifices were made for my health’ (CSOL I 18:37)
