ŝkof (yeŝókef/ľiŝkέf)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (Ia)

to block the mouth of a kid with a stick to prevent it from sucking
вставлять палочку в рот козлёнка, чтобы он не сосал матку
سدّ فا الجدي من أجل أن يُمْنَع من الرضاعة
LS 430; CSOL I 666; CSOL II 599
الأمثلة النصية

a. táḳot tho kor negóhom wa-neŝokéfʸhen súwa ‘Wake me up so that we can bring the goat-kids into the pen and fix the sticks fast in their mouths’ (CSOL II 13:21)

b. ŝkofk e-díˀʸho óˀoz di-téken be-ḳáˁar kor aˁámer mes ḥaľíb ‘I blocked (the mouth of the kid) of my she-goat, which we were keeping in our house, to have milk for our morning tea’ (CSOL I 9:8)

الملاحظات الصرفية

pass. ŝⁱkɛf (yeŝóukof/ľiŝkóf)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

‘To prevent the kid (direct object) from sucking its mother (unexpressed)’ (a);

‘To prevent the kid (unexpressed) from sucking its mother (e-)’ (b).

‘To cross with a stick the mouth of the date skin’:

wa-ḷaṭ yeŝóukof be-trɔ ṭárbi  yeˁumέroʰ tóˀo míŝkɛk men ˁaḷáhɛḷ wáľľa men métror wa-ḷaṭ yeˁúṣam ˁeʸh súwa ˁaf ľiṭár wa-ˀaḷ-ľišέrḳaḥ meʸh rob ‘Then two stickes, made of the ˁáḷhoḷ tree or the métror tree and sharpened ike skewers, are crossed at the mouth of the skin, then bound to hold fast so the date syrup does not run out’ (CSOL II 11:12)

  • ŝkɛf stick preventing a kid from sucking
االشتياق اللغوي

Certainly related to Mhr. ŝekūf ‘to force unwelcome hospitality to someone; to give someone insufficient time to eat food; to give insufficient food’, perhaps also Tna. säkkäfä ‘to be repugnant, to disgust, to cause nausea, repulsion’. Cf. further Jib. ŝkɔf ‘to shrink and stiffen (body, leather); to wrinkle’. The original basic meaning is, presumably, ‘to be restricted, limited, less than required’. 
