Сокотрийский словарь
(3 sg. f.) ḥtéḷʸhoʰ (taḥteḷéhen or taḥtéḷoʸh/taḥtéḷeʸh)
базовые морфологические сведения
v. (VI/VIII)
to bear a child before due time, to miscarry, abort (about a human being)
иметь выкидыш
LS 178; Bulakh et al. 2021:241; Naumkin et al. 2022:276; Bulakh 2024:145
иметь выкидыш
текстовые примеры
a. naˁámer ˁážeʰ keʰ erḳóḥoʰ mébrehe wa-ʸheʰ al-ŝéfaḳ ḥtéľʸhoʰ ‘We say about a woman, if she gave birth to a child, and it is underdeveloped: ḥtéľʸhoʰ’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:241)
b. ṭeʸh ˁážeʰ šin ḷaḷ tegḥíľoḷ aḷ-ˀáraḥ ŝfᵉḳɔn taḥteḷéhen wa-ˀaḷ-ken ses embóryeʰ tö́boš ˁážeʰ wa-temtέḷoḷ tóˀo taḥteḷéhen dέhɛr ‘There is a woman among us — when she gets pregnant, she is unable to complete her gestation: she aborts and has no children. And the woman weeps and worries because she aborts all the time’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:277)
морфологические примечания
For semantic reasons used in the feminine only.
семантические примечания