ˁóṭib (yeˁoṭíbin/ľiˁáṭab)
basic morphological information

v. (II)

1. to do something without permission; 2. to lead away an animal of another person because of emergency
1. делать что-либо без разрешения; 2. уводить животное другого человека в случае крайней необходимости
أخذ حيوانا ليس له في حال بعده عن بلده كرفد عرس بحكم العرف
CSOL I 502; CSOL II 418
text examples


a. émme kíľyɛ eboḷégʸhen di-ḳáneʰ di-béstan di-feľán kor aḷ-ľaˁʸhéf ḥeb keʰ bɛʰ yeḳóẓ̂eˁ oˁoṭíbin dšénˁaʰ ḥteʰ ˁaf di-ṣabḥ eẓ̂áḷaˁ heʸh wa-di-ṣabḥ ẓ̂áḷaˁ heʸh ˁö́mor heʸh ˁóṭibk ˁek díˀɛʰ di-béstan ‘As for the calves, I’ll put them in the palm grove of such-and-such a man so they don’t get lost, even if they do damage his trees. This I’ll do without permission tonight, but in the morning I’ll tell him. In the morning he told the owner: “I put some animals in your palm grove without permission”’ (CSOL II 24:12g)


a. šin be-saḳɔ́ṭri ḷaḷ téken ḥágeʰ díˀʸheʰ ke-ˀéšhon wa-ʸheʰ šérḥeḳ wáľľa aḷ-metɛ́ˀyo heʸh wa-bíŝi di-yeḥóre heʸh men di-ṣóuḷob yeˁoṭíbin di-kése ˁaf ľisáˁ díˀʸheʰ ṣáḥeb di-ˁóṭib ˁeʸh yeẓ̂áḷaˁ heʸh wa-yeˀófiš ‘In our land, in Soqotra, if someone has an urgent need to slaughter an animal for one of his relatives, but he is far away from home or can’t for some other reason and there’s also nobody he can send to look for one of his animals to be slaughtered, then that man seizes any animal he can. When he meets the owner, he tells him about it and pays’ (CSOL I 28:19)

semantic notes

 ‘To go somewhere (di-) without somebody’s (ḷe-) permission’ (1a).

 ‘To lead away an animal from somebody (ḷe-)’ (2a).

  • ˁö́ṭab 1. to enter, to penetrate; 2. to carry on one’s shoulders; 3. to bypass, to get beyond (a mountain range)
  • áˁṭeb 1. to let enter, to bring in; 2. to carry upon one’s shoulders
  • ˁotö́ṭab or ˁatéṭab to be crowded, to be close to one another