áˁṣer (yeˁáṣor/ľáˁṣar)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (IV)

to leave the animals for a while near the pen or within it
оставить скот рядом с загоном или внутри него на некоторое время
ترك المعز فترةً بقرب الحظيرة أو داخل الحظيرة
CSOL I 500
الأمثلة النصية

a. éṣbaḥ ˁag íľʸheʰ men érhon ˁaf yetɛgóḷsen di-móľˀḥim áˁṣer bésen ˁaf tedɛ́ḷob šɔm ‘A man had been looking for his goats in the morning and then gathered them near the pen and he left them there until the sun was high in the sky’ (CSOL I 30:15)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

 ‘To leave one’s animals (be-) near the pen’: (a)
