áˁrem (yeˁárom/ľáˁrɛm)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (IV)

to change (transitive)
LS 328; CSOL I 497; CSOL II 415; Naumkin et al. 2015a:61; CSOL III 46
الأمثلة النصية

a. tóˀo éraḥk ri di-ŝégreʰ éḳdomk gáḥi di-ˀö́fog wa-ˁer ḥe órem éftokk ho ḷáˁrɛm órem ˁam ho ḷekténaḥ ‘When I reached the top of the mountain pass I saw a wadi full of water blocking my way. So I wasn’t sure whether to take another road or just return’ (CSOL I 26:80)

b. kánoʰ šin ẓ̂ayέfɛʰ wa-ˁéyyek ḷeghóm wa-dékerk ṭey éľľehe kor ezáˁas wa-seʰ ˁiṭámoʰ wa-tóˀo gédaḥk diˀáḷ ˁag ˁámor yɔ bíroʰ éľľehe zeˁö́woʰ wa-rʸɛfk baḷ tegdáḥ ˁámok ˁédaḳ ˁámor ˁédaḳ wa-ˀáˁromk ṭeʸh di-yáḥŝes wa-ľikán aḷ-tóˀo deš di-ˁag ‘We had a feast, and I wanted to collect cattle to be slaughtered, and I remembered about one cow and wanted to take it, as it was very fat. When I came to the man (its owner) he said: “Hey, the cow has already been taken, somebody was quicker than you (and took it) before you came.” I said: “Is it true?” he said: “It is true”. And I took another one instead of it, but it was not so fat as this man’s cow’ (field notes)

c. ˁö́mor aḷ-ˁéyyek ḷáˁrɛm hek bes ‘He said: “You don’t want me to give you another (calf) instead of this one?”’ (CSOL II 7:29)

d. aˁárom hek éľľehe di-báḥľe aḷf tezáˁa nhɔfk tenoḳíľin nhɔfk díˀʸho men móḥľib ‘I will give you a cow who has a female calf instead of this one. Choose one from my milking-place’ (CSOL II 7:30)

e. wa-kúľľe šɔm yaˁárom kɛn ŝḥaf di-ˀéľľehe ‘The milk of the cow changed color every day’ (CSOL II 7:33)

f. kánoʰ šin ẓ̂ayέfɛʰ íˁrɛm héʸhen emboríyeʰ bíššoḷ di-šker ‘We had a feast, and one changed the clothes for the children so that they wore their best clothes’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:244)

الملاحظات الصرفية

pass. íˁrɛm

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

‘To take something (direct object) in exchange for something (unexpressed)’ (a, b)

‘To give somebody (e-) something (direct object) in exchange for something (be-)’ (c)

‘To give somebody (e-) something (direct object) in exchange for something (unexpressed)’ (d)

‘To change something (direct object)’ (e)

االشتياق اللغوي

 Arb. ġarima ‘to pay, discharge a thing that was obligatory upon one, or a bloodwit’ (Lane 2252), Yem. Arb. ġaram ‘to make s.o. pay expenses’ (Piamenta 354; see also Behnstedt 900) 
Hrs. ġérōm ‘to pay’ (HL 46), perhaps a borrowing from Arabic.
Min. yġrm ‘s’acquitter une obligation, dette, taxe’; ġrm ‘taxe’ (Arbach 1993:38)