aˁḳed (yeˁáḳod/ľáˁḳad)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (IV)

to bind by marriage
заключить брачный контракт
عقد على امرأة
LS 323; CSOL I 489
текстовые примеры

ḷaḷ ˁóuḳad bes ˁážeʰ rouˀέhen keʰ ˁigέboʰ e-deʰ ˁag wa-kaḷ ˁigέboʰ aḷ-yeˁóuḳad hes wa-fɔ́ne aḷ-rouˀέhen yeˁóuḳad hes ṭánˀeʰ baḷ taˁrέb ḥeb keʰ dérhi ‘When a marriage contract is made for a girl, she is asked whether she likes this man. And if she does not like (him), the marriage contract is not made for her. And in the earlier times, the marriage contract was made for a woman like this, without even her knowing (the man), even with a stranger’ (field notes)

морфологические примечания

pass. íˁḳad (yeˁóuḳad/ľaˁḳód)


Together with Mhr. ˀāḳáwd ‘to make a marriage contract’ and Jib. ˁɔ́ḳɔ́d ‘to make a marriage contract’, a borrowing from Arb. ˁqd ‘to ratify a contract’, ˁaqada zawāǯan ‘to conclude a marriage’ (Wehr 734). See further LS 323.