Soqotri Lexicon
áˀarḥ or arḥ (du. áˀarḥi, pl. éˀraḥ)
basic morphological information
text examples
mέsteḷ díˀʸho dedéyhon kor yerófed éľľehe díˀʸhen ḷe-ˁougénoʰ di-tebóˁoḷ wa-ḷaṭ aḷ-kse éľľehe di-ˁiṭámoʰ tóˀo ŝínoʰ díˀʸho bíyyoʰ ṭánˀeʰ aˁbéroʰ díˀseʰ áˀarḥ émḳaṭ di-ˁiṭamoʰ wa-di-zínes áḷḷaʰ ˁemέroʰ yóten έhɛ áˀarḥ tezéˁe wa-teṣóḷeb ḷe-ẓ̂ayέfɛʰ ‘My paternal uncles were talking about slaughtering a cow for the wedding feast of their daughter who was about to be married. But they did not find a fat cow. When my mother saw this, she offered her grown-up heifer which was pregnant, and which was fat, and made beautiful by God. She said: “Here, take this heifer and slaughter it for the wedding”’ (field notes)
morphological notes
dim. ouróḥoʰ (Naumkin et al. 2015a:58)
From PS *ˀarḫ- ‘cow, heifer’.