Soqotri Lexicon
here; here it is
здесь; вот оно
ها هو
LS 54, CSOL I 467, CSOL II 382
здесь; вот оно
ها هو
semantic notes
έhɛ ḥatóˀo ‘here’: bíhid ˁánhi ḷedmέ έhɛ ḥatóˀo ˁaf ḷe-ˁóŝi ‘Let me sleep here until dawn’ (CSOL II 1:108)
έhɛ ṭaʰ ‘like this’: béḷog des ˁag díˀʸheʰ ško έhɛ ṭaʰ wa-férod ‘The man thrst his sword into it (the snake) - like this - and fled’ (CSOL I 24:27)
έhɛ boḳ ‘there’:
ˁóuḳaḷ sferíyyeʰ di-ḳóudor bes έhɛ boḳ wa-ŝiyáṭ έhɛ-ḥaʰ ‘The pot in which the meat will be cooked should be put there, and the fire should be lit here’ (CSOL I 16:28)