ídeʰ (du. idíti, pl. idhéten)
базовые морфологические сведения


a goat which has to give birth today
коза, которая должна оягниться сегодня
العنزة التي تلد اليوم
CSOL I 465; CSOL II 380
текстовые примеры

mergémoʰ téken men tri óˀobni wa-men taľát wa-šóuḳaf wa-seʰ di-serédhon wa-di-ˀérhon idhétenmergémoʰ is made of two rows of stones, or three, and it is roofed. It is used for more mature kid goats as well as for mother goats going to give birth’ (CSOL II 27:19)

морфологические примечания

For semantic reasons used in the feminine only.


Tentatively compared to Tgr. ˀeǯǯot ‘young cow that has calved’ in Naumkin et al. 2016b:57.