ḳatéṣar (yeḳteṣéren/ľiḳtéṣar)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (VI)

to refrain from taking food when offered, out of modesty
воздержаться от принятия пищи, когда она предлагается, из скромности
امتنع عن تناول الطعام عند عرضه، تواضعاً
Bulakh 2024:161
الأمثلة النصية

a. men báˁad-ˀaḷ fŝe gédaḥk wa-ˀáˁbork ṭeʸh ˁážeʰ di-teṭóhor ŝέte ˁámok hes tezíˁi nhɔfš deš téboʰ teḳosímis díˀiʰ emboríyeʰ ḳatéṣroʰ ˁážeʰ ˁemέro aḷ-ˀezáˁa wa-ˀaḷ-ˁak náˁaʰ ezóneg tɛʰ ŝέte ‘After the meal was over, I came and gave (some meat) to a woman who was going to leave for Hadibo. I told her: “Take for yourself this piece of meat so that you can give it to your children”. But she refused out of modesty and said: “I won’t take it and I won’t carry any meat to Hadibo”’ (Bulakh 2024:161)

b. ken meḳtiṣáreʰ ken šébek toš di-ˁáḷho wa-ˀaḷ-teḳtiṣírin kénhi ˁar šébek tḥánik díˀʸho be-ḳáˁar tóˀo aḥánok hóhon šeš ‘I thought you were a reasonable woman, and I thought you would not refuse out of modesty to take some food from me. I thought you were feeling at home here in my place, as I feel at home with you’ (Bulakh 2024:161–162)

االشتياق اللغوي

Perhaps from Arb. ˀiqtaṣara ‘to limit oneself, restrict oneself, confine oneself’ (Wehr:899, Lane:2534).